Personal message from James Stark
Give them the same consideration the
president gave the 4 Americans in Libya
James promises that any government official
who has acted as traitors or who are traitors to the constitution is to be
considered treason in government will be punished under the full extent of the
law. Military trials for the accused.
I would abolish personal taxes the only taxes would be on products.
I would make property taxes illegal against the law and pardon all mortgages
What we need to know now is. Will the generals of our military and sheriffs in the US going to join these traitors in Washington for the open boarders the fast and furious or will they stand their ground and help the US in the time of Martial Law? Email your sheriff and ask them are they with the US people or are they traitors to the constitution. The time of martial law is very near. The Black Panther party is on a path to getting martial law started
To handle the illegal alien problem if they want in the US they should be required to serve in the us military for 2-4 years and they then would be given citizenship.
James Stark policies
This country is on the Highway To Hell as your President, "I will put up a stop sign to stop it".
Put a freeze on inflation so the American people can keep spending
and keep the economy going. Not a penny more towards anything.
Obama has one thing right immigrants do jobs that Americans do not want: 13,000 rapes and murders.
When I become president I will give the United Nations 3 days to move out or be arrested for treason and espionage of the United states for undermining the constitution of the US.
Under the constitution party platform James promises to bring this country full circle to live according to the constitution. James promises to keep America strong by protecting our boarders as they should be protected.
Join my militia all you have to do is have a gun, lots of bullets, protect your family, we invite policeman, fire fighters, fbi agents, secret service agents, federal marshals and all individuals to join.
Simple and simplistic no more waste of Americans money and building a strong America is the only way to go in the future. Under the constitution party platform, never again will the federal government give money to big business and banks as the constitution did not allow.
I will stop the intentional sterilization of the citizens of the United States.
No more free rides for
immigrants and no more free rides for politicians.
James promises new and better
armed services for the USA. James will ensure that traitors to the constitution
will be dealt with as should be. James proclaims that treason in government is
to be his #1 priority to give the American people a chance to breath new clean
government air. (Around the White House, congress and in the senate). When the
time comes vote for James Stark for president. Let’s take this land of the free
and home of the brave back from the powers to be and make it the power of the
people. James will lock down the boarders-get rid of NAFTA- 75% import tax in
incoming to this county-75% income tax reduction Immediately liquidate Fannie
may and Freddy Mac return all mortgage loans as paid in full. Sue the federal
reserve no bubble no recession of a real monetary system.
Once again the bell toll for freedom and democracy, honesty, religious freedom and most of all freedom from fear from terrorism from with in.
James Stark for President, the new Constitution party platform, trials for Traitors to the constitution, ending Treason in government.
I promise to clean it up!